Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Tree

Well, we said goodbye to our house guests early sunday 12:30am...we were sad to see them leave. We went to bed and there was no snow on the ground, then we wake up and there is 6 inches or so on the ground, so we were all in the mood to get our christmas decorations up...Erik helped by bringing all the stuff from the cold and I got the tree up! I LOVE putting up my tree every year, and of course, I didn't think of getting pics up of the kids helping...but it got done!!! Merry Christmas!

Thanksgiving continued

Here are some more pictures of the weekend.


I know it has been a very long time since I posted anything... no excuses...just don't get around to posting anything very often. This year for Thanksgiving we had the opportunity to have the in-laws and Jen and Phillip come down. They didn't get to stay long, but it was so good to see family and friends. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's house, and then we got to take Jennifer and Phillip up to Temple Square to see the lights and meet up with the missionaries that taught Jen and Phillip the discussions...the Showalters. It was a lot of fun, we rode the Trax all the way to Temple Square, walked around....FROZE! We watched the Joseph Smith movie at the Legacy Theater, (i was really worried about the kids and how they would do, but my prayers were answered and they sat through it like a dream...and I might add, it was very powerful and my testimony was strenghtened about the truthfulness of the gospel and the kind of man Joseph Smith was) It was a successfull family outing, the kids were sooooo good, no running away, they listened and obeyed. They loved the lights and even the cold, but especially the "train" ride to and from.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Some pics of the kids

That one of Isaac needs no explantion!

Ellie's first day of school!


I know that I don't have very many followers, if any at all... but I thought that I would just give you all an update. Our family moved to Utah at the beginning of August and it has been bittersweet. We love being close to family and cousins, and living with Grandma is just great for the kids. On the other hand, we terribly miss Washington and all of our dear friends and family. We miss our neighbors and even our little blue apartment.

To be honest, I didn't think that it would be that difficult coming back to where I grew up, but as many of you know who have been outside of the "utah bubble" for any amount of time, it was complete cultural shock for me. I am still trying to get used to it, but honestly I don't think I want to. That is all that I will say about that!

As for an update on the family...Ellie started kindergarten a few weeks ago, she gets to go half days, and she does love her teacher and she has made a few friends...but to be honest, it has been more difficult for her to meet friends than I had expected. We are hopeful that she meets lots more as she becomes more comfortable. Her favorite thing about school....recess...2 times during the 4 hours she is there! I am a little scared that her speech therapy is holding her back, and making it a little difficult for her friends and teachers to really understand her. She is still in speech therapy, but over the summer her old habits have kinds creeped back, even though we did try and keep on top of her speech.

Isaac....I really wish that I could just laugh it off and just say he is being a BOY, because he is. But just today...his being a 'just a boy' cost us hundreds of dollars in damage. I was at work this morning, just helping my brother out, Erik was home with the boys. I get a phone call, Erik was frantic. He had gotten in the shower and was in there for less than 10 minutes. He gets out and sees a squirt gun on the floor in front of the flat screen picture on the tv, but the sound works. Isaac has squired that TV and completly soaked it, frying the picture. Then Erik proceeds to go upstairs and finds a sharp knife on the floor, thinking to himself..."thats dangerous..." he picks it up and then sits down on the couch...he then sees stab marks all over the leather couches...both of them, not just one or two slices....but all over the seats in both couches. These are my mother's couches people.....I was sick to my stomach when I heard this. Well, Erik was so upset and frantic, not knowing what to do with Isaac, that he forgets to pick up Ellie from school, so he gets a phone call from the embarrassing, I just had pulled up from work, when I get the news, so I had to go pick up Ellie from the office 20 minutes late. I want to say that I handled Isaac with love and patience today, but I didn't. I was upset and he knew it. I want to say that I have patience...I DO NOT. Lets just say it was early bed time for the kids today, and we are just asking for your prayers that things are better tomorrow. On the other hand, Isaac is sweet heart, he did apologize and tell us he loves us. He is sweet with his baby brother and loves to play with him... and they do keep each other entertained, but both of them do miss their sissy when she is gone.

Spencer is walking around everywhere! He is so funny, can keep up with his siblings and cousins, goes everywhere, does everything they do. He is a hoot to just watch and see what he is gonna figure out next. He is still speaking in grunts, which just adds to the humor of Spence!

Erik was able to get into the training program at the DI. He will be doing some security training as well as some other marketable training, to hopefully get him more employable. He did have an interview back up in Washington a few weeks ago, for a corrections deputy. He hasn't heard anything back from them, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. We really would love to be back up in Washington, even if it is on the Eastern part of the State. Your prayers would greatly be appreciated in that manner as well!

Allia, well I am holding in there, really hoping and praying that this difficult part of parenting passes, and that I can find some inner peace throughout all this. I do love being a mom, and everything that comes with it. And honestly, if asked...would you have another baby? answer would be a resounding Yes! (no I am not making any announcement...but someday, maybe!) I am working really really part time for my brother, doing wedding stuff! Its a lot of fun to get out every couple of weekends and use my creative brain on something other than playdough and painting pictures. I am really really trying hard to "bloom where I am planted" and through prayer and scripture study, and going to the temple...since we now have one 20 minutes in every direction from us...its coming along. I know the Lord has a plan for our family and for me personally. I do have a sense of peace that things are going to work out.

Alright, this has been a lengthy enough post...until next time!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good News!

I am happy to annouce that Isaac is doing so much better. My wonderful Dad sent me some wonderful parenting books, and I have been putting some of the ideas into practice...and its working. I love that!

Saturday, April 24, 2010



I am in need of some serious advice. Isaac is 2, he turns 3 in July and I can't figure him out. How do you keep a 2 year old engaged and out of trouble. I think I have figured out that he is bored...all the time, so he just gets in trouble. wether(is that the right spelling) it is him randomly chucking a toy or something else across the room....nearly missing the baby or me or something else breakable, to climbing on furniture, to just plain NOT listening to a word I say. I hate feeling like I am constantly telling him "no" or "Isaac, don't do that" The only thing that he WANTS to do is watch shows, and I cannot in good conscience let him do that. I have tried using a show for a reward....but he breaks down and has a tantrum when he doesn't get it WHEN he wants it.I ignore that behavior, obviously don't give in to them, but its the same problem over and over again. I was reading a great book, "Christlike parenting" and it says that if the problem is repeating itself over and over again, then its likely a parenting issue. I thought I was a pretty good parent, but what am I doing wrong? People say that he is a boy...that should explain a lot, but I don't like the person I am these days, I feel like I am going crazy, I am annoyed, frustrated and overwhelmed.

Isaac is genuinely a good kid, and maybe it is just my parenting skills. So how do I deal with this? How do I NOT get anxious about taking him out in public, for fear of him just running away... he gets his blinders on and there is nothing stopping him. I HATE yelling, and unfortunately I have found myself doing just that, and we all know that yelling doesn't do a thing to correct behavior or even get their attention.

What to do??? any suggestions on what to do? how to raise a boy?...seeing as I have two of them now, I should probably get this figured out sooner than later.

Vancouver BC Temple

It was a really neat experience to go up to the new Vancouver BC Temple open house last night. It is beautiful inside, much smaller than the ones that I am used to, but something felt so right about being there!! There is such a sweet spirit in this temple, and even though it isn't going to be dedicated until next week, the spirit was strong and being there and taking Ellie through was just a testimony builder of the importance of the temple and the sacredness of the blessings that we get to partake in when we go. I feel renewed and refreshed, much like I feel when I get to go and do work in the Temple. I have a renewed desire to attend much more often than we have been going, and I am grateful that this Temple is much closer than the Seattle Temple, even though I have to go to another country!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Great Gift Idea

For anyone looking for a great gift for a mom who already has it all....My sister just started selling these great nursing reminders (obviously for the mom who is nursing) They are way cute, inexpensive and a great little reminder tool so you dont get confused on which side the baby nursed on last!!! My sister's blog is
Tell all your friends!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sleep at last!

Love it, love it, love it!
These kids make me smile!

as promised...

So, I just love this one-hour bread recipe! It makes such yummy bread, and the best thing about it, is that I don't have to set aside a whole day to make bread! Didnt they turn out pretty???

(ok... I have no picture taking skills, so they aren't as pretty as they could be, if photographed better)


So, I am helping throw a baby shower for my friend tomorrow....and I have putting off finising up this quilt that I made her...but I did it! I think it turned out fantastic....I hope she likes it!

Friday, February 26, 2010


So I finally gave in and cut Isaac's hair and let him have a mohawk. Its awfully cute on him, but don't tell anyone I said that, cuz the deal was that he could have it for only a day then it had to go. (this was daddy's and I's deal!) I think Erik might win this one! for some reason it fits him, or at least his attitude recently.


I woke up today and saw that I had way too many bananas sitting on my counter and they were not gonna make it another day....What to do?

Make yummy, delicious Cranberry-Banana-Pecan Bread

I was so proud of myself, I had plans on taking pics of my mad kitchen skills....but as soon as it was out of the oven, the kids devoured it (because lets face it, its hot banana bread or nothin') So I will spare you the pics of the left over crumbs and the crumbs strune (is that a word) about the house...which my 10 month old, is all too happy to try to clean up for me!

Maybe next time!

Tomorrow: 1 hour bread....1 hour....4 loaves....1 to give away...3 to happy family!
(I might even get a picture of them!)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dido!! my my cousin wrote this in her post, and I just loved the way that she said it, and I agree with it I am just going to re-post what she said! Clara, I hope you don't mind, but these exact thoughts have been going through my mind these last few days, and I just think you said it much better than I could have. (I will only change names!!!)

Valentine's Day on on Sunday. A lot of people (my husband included) will tell you that its just a made-up holiday to make guys spend money and look bad, and besides, you should cherish your sweetheart all the time--who needs Valentine's Day. Well, to all who say that, I say this -- WHATEVER!!

The same statement(s) could be made about any holiday. Christmas - shouldn't we remember our dear Savior's birth everyday (the 25th of December isn't the right date anyway)? Fourth of July - isn't it great to live in this country every day, not just a certain one mid-summer? Easter - the death and resurrection of the Savior is definitely something we should carry with us every second, is it not? Thanksgiving- grateful one day a year..anybody? St. Patrick's Day- lets face it, this is just a reason for people to get drunk. Halloween-well, if you have a problem with holidays, we shouldn't even start on Halloween. Birthdays- I am pretty sure I will remember the birth of my children forever, as does my mother with her children. The list of designated "days" goes on.

I feel like men say this so they are justified in ignoring the holiday. I know Erik would have a fit if I were to say this about the Fourth of July (you know--the one day a year he gets to play with fire and blow things up?) So why do I hear some women saying this? I am sure I don't know. Reverse psychology? A game? Maybe their partner says it cuz they know Valentines will be ignored, so they say it to feel better. I don't know. Unless, you people are going to be equally skeptical of all holidays and their origins, give February a break!

All holidays have their purpose. They give people a chance to slow down and remember what's important. I wonder by what percentage church attendance increases at Christmas or Easter. These people should probably be attending services every Sunday, but at least they went once. At least for one day a year the world (over generalization, I know) can stop, sit back, and think about the Savior. (Twice, if you count Easter). It's better that not at all. I am not saying Valentine's is not blown out of most definitely it...just like Christmas. I am not saying I expect Erik to buy me a tennis bracelet every February 14th, just like I don't expect him to buy me a diamond ring every year on our anniversary. NO!! I just expect some thought! A nice heartfelt note would be very agreeable to me. Just some thought and maybe a little bit of time!

I don't even have a personal overwhelming passion about this heart filled, pink and red holiday...I am just saying, the whole point of Valentine's Day is to remember the ones we love, a designated time to remember someone we care about. Just like anniversaries, Mother's Day, Christmas etc... So what if it is a completely fabricated day of importance? ( I know there's some significance--St. Valentine--I don't know the whole story). I know women (myself included) can get their hopes up and be bothered if disappointed -- but that's not the point ( besides can't the same thing be said of the anniversary, Christmas, or birthday present?) The point of February 14th is just another opportunity to express your love for someone. There is nothing wrong with that. I recommend to the men that swear its all about the $$, to write a song, a note, nothing expensive. Put time and thought, real though, into it and see how she re-acts. If after that, your one and only still has complaints about how much dinero you did or didn't might have bigger problems.

Well said Clara!! My whole opinion on the holiday/celebrating thing, is that it is a way for us to slow down and remember those around us, to celebrate that person or persons! But more importantly to teach our children! This is what is important to me. I know that we should be teaching our children everyday, and we do, but its also fun to take that special time out, during those holidays, whether its V-day or Christmas, Mother's day, or Father's day...Birthdays. To get them excited to do something extra special, to honor somebody, to get them out of their own head and think of someone else! At least that is what I am trying to teach my kiddos and that is what I made sure to express to my hubby this year, I don't necessarily want a romantic dinner (not saying that I wouldn't take one, if offered!!) but I wanted him to take the kids and have them get involved in whatever they decided to do today, so that we all can have sometime to think and get excited for someone else!

Monday, February 8, 2010

A quilt for Isaac!

Grandma did an amazing job on Isaac's train quilt! He feels like he finally belongs on the big bed that he sleeps on! He LOVES his all the trains on it! Thanks Grandma we sure love and appreciate all that you do for us!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Birthday Party

A couple of months ago, Ellie's best friend and neighbor moved away and yesterday he came back up to Ferndale to celebrate his birthday! Ellie was in 7th heaven with Ezra. They had a great time at the Jumpzone and had icecream at McDonalds!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A new year!

I just can't believe that its already 2 months into the new year! Is it just me or is it going by to fast?
So, I haven't updated in a while, and I went to go add a bunch more photos, but then realized that I didn't have the pics on the new computer that we got!!! ( we had to get a new one, the old one finally died!)
Spencer is 9 months old and is crawling all over the place! I think you forget how much stuff they can get into at this age now that he is crawling all over the house, I have to make sure that I clean the kitchen floor after every meal, or else he will do it for me....he wants to put everything into his mouth!!!
Isaac is so darn cute I can hardly stand it, he still drives me nuts, but he is only 2 years old. He is doing better at listening and obeying, so I feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. He loves his trains, and loves his new train table he got for christmas...I don't know what we ever did without it, it still, 2 months later, keeps his attention for hours at a time!!
Ellie is thriving at school! Just loves her teachers and asks everyday if she gets to go to school. She loves her ballet and tap class, and her teacher says she is very strong and coordinated! She is such a delight to have around the house, she loves to play with her little brothers, though she is constantly asking us when she gets to have a baby due time!
As far as Erik and I we are doing great, we are still waiting to hear from the Sheriff's department up here for a job! This whole waiting thing has really tried my patience, but I think I think, that we are close! At least I feel a change coming on (does that make any sense?)

Photo Update!

Ellie's first dance performance! She did amazing!!! We are so proud of her!