Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Fun

We are currently in Utah visiting my family, and have had quite an eventful holiday!! It started with the flight down here, it was just 5 hours late...When you are traveling alone with a 3 year old, and an 18 month old and being 6 months pregnant....5 hours late really can be a pickle!!! Anyway, my kiddos both had really bad colds, but got over those, just in time to catch some kind of stomach all of us spent Christmas evening and the day after having a bunch of fun over the toilet!!
We are finally all feeling better, just in time to spend the last week here, and hopefully have a better New Years Celebration. Other than that, we are enjoying spending time with the family. I sure miss them a whole bunch, so its good to spend a couple weeks a year with them!!
I will be sure to post pictures when we finally make it back up north

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all!!


Alright, so Erik, being the fantastic husband that he is, decided that the name Spencer wasn't so bad...So this little guy's name is going to be (at least for now) Spencer Reed Martinson!!! I am so excited. Thanks for all your guys' input....I am mostly glad because you all agreed with me!!! Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, and hope you enjoy your New Year's!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I know it is silly, and Erik and I have never had an issue naming our other children...but this one is proving to be hard!! Erik is being stubborn, and well, I am being stubborn. Erik's top name is Griffin, I don't know about it, I could go either way. I like the name Spencer...Erik does not. GGGRRRRR!!! this is so frustrating. I know that we have a few more months, but I would love to put a name to this little guy that keeps me up at night!! (already!!)
So, we are totally open for suggestions and opinions, well at least I am!
Please help us!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's a Boy!!

So we found out that our baby number 3 is going to be boy number 2!!! We are so excited! Everything is going great, Ellie had a bittersweet reaction when we told her, she was really sad at first and she started to cry...(she really really wanted a baby sister!) but then we explained that its cool to be the ONLY big sister, and that she and mommy get to do extra special things, cuz we are girls!! She perked up!! She is now so excited for the baby boy! We don't have any names picked out, so feel free to give us your opinons!! Well, for all the fam and friends that are in Utah, I can't wait to see you next week!!
Kara, if you are reading this, my cell phone got busted, so I don't have your phone number...please call me I would love to get together with you while I am down there, I will be there for 3 weeks!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Neighbors Baptized!!

We are so happy for my neighbors, they were baptized a week ago, so I thought I would share some photos of them. It was really neat for Erik, cuz he got to baptise Jennifer, he hasn't done that since his mission. What a special occasion it was!! It really can help you catch the vision of member missionary work!

Pumpkin Patch fun!

We were invited to go to the pumpkin patch, so the kids got all dressed up and went to pick out some pumpkins!! It was a lot of fun, just a little crazy!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

motorcycles and cousins!!

Some more fun pics!!

Isaac before his hair cut, seeing pics like this makes me miss his curls!!

Yes, I finally got a haricut!! I was so ready to get ride of all that hair, it was weighing me down!!

Isaac's 1 year old pics!!

So, I have officially have a cutie!! Sorry it took so long to get these posted, now that he is 15 months old today!! Yeah, these were his first year pics!!

Sleeping Beauty!!

I can't tell you how many times we have put Ellie to bed in her own bed at bed time and by the time we come to bed, she is in our bed, usually with a book, but a few times we have found her with my scripture you can tell!


I am getting a glimpse to what it may be when Isaac gets to be a teenager and eats me out of house and home, he never stops!!! But he is so cute about it!!


Isaac got his first haircut, it was a bitter sweet experience, Grandma was so good, and he didn't really even notice what was happening!! I sure miss his curls, but he is my official big boy now!


Alright, so I thought I would finally get on here, since I seemed to be getting harrassed about never updating my blog!!! The last couple of months haven't been too exciting! Though we did find out we are pregnant again!! We are expecting on April 27, so far the pregnancy hasn't been so bad, just a bit nauseous when I dont eat! Ellie could not be more excited about having another baby in the house. She insists that it is a girl!! Isaac, well I don't think he really cares at the moment!!
We are very excited about another addition to our family, Erik and I will be officially out-numbered, but we are up to the challenge.
Erik is currently testing for law enforcement, so that is what we are hoping and praying for. I just hope he gets a fantastic job, so we can finally grow some roots, wherever he gets his job!!
Well I will now post some pictures of the kiddos and the family!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Family Reunion!!

We had a talent show, i think most of the grand kids did a talent!!! What a talented family we have!!

my sisters doing a lip sync to milli-vanilli...very funny!

Ellie and Isaac's cousin, Kiannalie, was baptised while we were down there, and the kids all sang at her baptism. It was very sweet!!

This is most of the grandkids, we are missing 3 of them...what a good looking group of kiddos!!

Pappi, Carson and Ellie all relaxing in the water!!


We had a great opportunity this year to be able to go back to the house that most of my family grew up in, in Mountain Green, Utah... It was a lot of fun to be able to be with my whole family again.. I sure hope we get to do that again soon!