Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is so much fun!!

Just going through pictures, my how Erik and I have changed...and maybe not in a good way!!
Spencer Blessing Day

Isaac Blessing Day

Ellie Blessing Day

See the similarities??

So, what do you think?? Are they brothers or what? I think the only difference is that Spencer has a little bit more chub, (he fills out the tux a little more)


Monday, June 8, 2009

Happy Blessing Day Spencer!

We got to bless Spencer yesterday, it was such a beautiful day. Thank you for everyone that was able to make it up, we sure enjoy our family get togethers!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I noticed that I didn't post many pics of Spencer when he was first born, so here ya go!


Ellie, Spencer and I went to go watch Erik play soccer last night, it was a lot of fun. We didn't bring the goober (Isaac) because, well, I wasn't up for the fight to keep him off of the field, so he hung out with Auntie Jennifer and Pete (the dog)

The last few days, I would not believe that I live in the Pacific has been HOT and WONDERFUL I love it.

The kids have discovered water fights out in the front of our apartment, of which I am usually the target. Its been so much fun just having quite, (well...not really quite) wet days at home!

5 weeks goes by fast!!

Holy cow, has it been 5 weeks already? Spencer is doing soooo good!! He is already 14 pounds, so not a skinny little guy at all!! I love the baby chub! Big Brother and Sister are doing really good adjusting to the new addition, they love him!! We went to pacific beach over memorial day weekend, and it was BEAUTIFUL!! The best weather we have ever had there, we even got to go play in the water! Here are some pics of the last few weeks.