Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Crawl already!!

Isaac will be 10 months old on the 8th of May, and he has yet to actually crawl on his hands and knees, he almost did today, so here are a few pics. He does get around by army crawling and rolling around, so I really don't think he is in any hurry to crawl, he does get around just fine...


Reed Pettingill said...

Can you post video clips on your site? Better keep your camera handy, this kid's obviously minutes away from Crawlerhood.

Alida B. said...

You have such beautiful kids!!! Isaac has the most amazing big blue eyes ever!!

Lisa/Scott said...

Hey old friend, this is Lisa deHoyos Itri from the good ol days in the 13th the crap are you?? You look good! I'm totally adding your butt to my link list so I can see what you're up to. If you're not afraid of my enthusiasm you can add me too.