I haven't officially announced Caleb on the blog yet, so here he is! (6 weeks old on his blessing day!)
He was born on August 21st at 2:07pm.. 10 lbs 1oz 22 inches long. He took his time getting here, and I was sure that we were going to have to induce him, in fact, he came on a Tuesday, and the induction was scheduled for the next day.
I am going to quickly write down the birth experience, if I don't do it now, I will forget details....if I haven't already!
Dad and Pam came up a few days after Caleb was DUE, unfortunately, Caleb decided not to come on his due date...so Dad and Pam entertained the other 3 kids and we had a good week to sit around and look at each other, and play a few games at night! Well they were set to leave on Tuesday (the day he actually came), I started having contractions on Monday night, but since I had been having contractions pretty consistently over the week, I really thought that they would stop as soon as I went to bed. So, I decided to head to bed around 9 pm, I actually just sat in my bed and watched some Hulu and time the contractions, and they kept coming, nothing that was too painful, but they didn't stop!
Around midnight I started to change positions in bed and I felt what I thought was my water break...and sure enough...it was! (This was a whole new sensation for me, as my water has never really broken before.. I thought my water had broken with Spencer, and when we got to the hospital, apparently the bag of waters had sealed back up) So, I called the hospital and we were on our way...my contractions at this point were really not painful at all, but consistently coming. They admit me to the hospital and I opted to try and get some sleep, instead of walking around (which I would have done had I been home and had it not been 1 in the morning) Hindsight...I should have walked around, it may have sped things up a bit. But as of 4 in the morning when they finally checked me, I was still only dilated to a 1...so NO PROGRESS...so the nurses left us alone for a few more hours, but by 8 am, they checked me again and I think I was only at 4 or so (which, to be honest, for me, was nothing) I was feeling frustrated that things weren't progressing faster...I had been at the hospital for 8 hours and I was only at a 4 (the last two births that I had already had a baby by hour 8, so I was frustrated. I was also frustrated, because I was feeling quite a bit of pain, to the point that I wanted an epidural, but I was only a 4. I felt like a wimp, I didn't get an epidural with any of my other kids till I was a 5 (with Ellie) 6 with Isaac and a 7 with Spence...so, here I was ONLY at a 4 and I wanted an epidural, what they heck was wrong with me? Well, enough self-pity....I got the epidural and I tried to get some real sleep, but I was interrupted a lot, because Caleb just wasn't happy in any position I was put in, so they kept coming in and turning me around a bit. Caleb also wasn't descending like he should have been...(like the other kiddos...he was happy staying as high as he possibly could be)
Fast forward a couple hours...1pm...they check me, I was about a 9, they decided that there was still water in there, so they decided to break the waters again, and almost immediately I dilate to a 10, but he hadn't dropped at all, and I wasn't feeling any urge to push, so they wait around...I start to feel my contractions, like my epidural had worn off, so they pushed another dose...unfortunately it was a really good dose and it numbs me too much, so about 30 minutes goes by and I need to push to see if I can coax Caleb down...and when I do, I push and push and push...I was so exhausted, I couldn't feel when a contraction was coming on, so I couldn't time it and push with a contraction...I couldn't keep my eyes open between pushes, they had to give me oxygen, to try and give me some sort of energy to push again. I felt like I pushed forever, and finally at 2:07pm, he makes his appearance. He was face up and he head was looking to the left, that is why he took some hard work to get here. (I was once again getting very frustrated at how hard I had to work to get him here, the boys pretty much slid out, like I coughed and they came..so what was wrong with me that I couldn't get Caleb here? I was seeing stars, getting really really light-headed had I been sitting up, I would have passed out. why was this one so different??)
Well, because he was face up, that is why it took so much effort to get him out, but he came out completely pink and crying! I was so incredibly exhausted, and soooo hungry (mind you...this was hour 14 in the hospital and they didn't give me any food for that entire time, and I really hadn't slept at all either.) You usually get some sort of burst of energy for a few hours after baby comes...but I did not...I was pretty much a zombie for the whole time we were in the hospital. And it didn't help that you have someone coming into your room all night long, so since Caleb and I were doing great, we came home the next evening and got to spend the first evening at home without any of the other kids home.
The older kids all came home the next morning and it was so nice to be all together again, I sure missed the other kiddos!! Its amazing how much things changed in a matter of one night!! You know whats funny...is that you plan on this happening, you know that a new baby is coming into the family, you have 9 months to prepare yourself, but when it happens, and you come home even if you have only been gone for 24 hours, everything seems so different. All the other kids looks, and feel, and sound years older than the day before!
Everything has changed, for the better, and we are all finding our new normal, our new schedule, and our new rhythm! I love it!!!
while the baby sleeps
6 years ago