I know that I don't have very many followers, if any at all... but I thought that I would just give you all an update. Our family moved to Utah at the beginning of August and it has been bittersweet. We love being close to family and cousins, and living with Grandma is just great for the kids. On the other hand, we terribly miss Washington and all of our dear friends and family. We miss our neighbors and even our little blue apartment.
To be honest, I didn't think that it would be that difficult coming back to where I grew up, but as many of you know who have been outside of the "utah bubble" for any amount of time, it was complete cultural shock for me. I am still trying to get used to it, but honestly I don't think I want to. That is all that I will say about that!
As for an update on the family...Ellie started kindergarten a few weeks ago, she gets to go half days, and she does love her teacher and she has made a few friends...but to be honest, it has been more difficult for her to meet friends than I had expected. We are hopeful that she meets lots more as she becomes more comfortable. Her favorite thing about school....recess...2 times during the 4 hours she is there! I am a little scared that her speech therapy is holding her back, and making it a little difficult for her friends and teachers to really understand her. She is still in speech therapy, but over the summer her old habits have kinds creeped back, even though we did try and keep on top of her speech.
Isaac....I really wish that I could just laugh it off and just say he is being a BOY, because he is. But just today...his being a 'just a boy' cost us hundreds of dollars in damage. I was at work this morning, just helping my brother out, Erik was home with the boys. I get a phone call, Erik was frantic. He had gotten in the shower and was in there for less than 10 minutes. He gets out and sees a squirt gun on the floor in front of the flat screen TV...no picture on the tv, but the sound works. Isaac has squired that TV and completly soaked it, frying the picture. Then Erik proceeds to go upstairs and finds a sharp knife on the floor, thinking to himself..."thats dangerous..." he picks it up and then sits down on the couch...he then sees stab marks all over the leather couches...both of them, not just one or two slices....but all over the seats in both couches. These are my mother's couches people.....I was sick to my stomach when I heard this. Well, Erik was so upset and frantic, not knowing what to do with Isaac, that he forgets to pick up Ellie from school, so he gets a phone call from the office...how embarrassing, I just had pulled up from work, when I get the news, so I had to go pick up Ellie from the office 20 minutes late. I want to say that I handled Isaac with love and patience today, but I didn't. I was upset and he knew it. I want to say that I have patience...I DO NOT. Lets just say it was early bed time for the kids today, and we are just asking for your prayers that things are better tomorrow. On the other hand, Isaac is sweet heart, he did apologize and tell us he loves us. He is sweet with his baby brother and loves to play with him... and they do keep each other entertained, but both of them do miss their sissy when she is gone.
Spencer is walking around everywhere! He is so funny, can keep up with his siblings and cousins, goes everywhere, does everything they do. He is a hoot to just watch and see what he is gonna figure out next. He is still speaking in grunts, which just adds to the humor of Spence!
Erik was able to get into the training program at the DI. He will be doing some security training as well as some other marketable training, to hopefully get him more employable. He did have an interview back up in Washington a few weeks ago, for a corrections deputy. He hasn't heard anything back from them, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. We really would love to be back up in Washington, even if it is on the Eastern part of the State. Your prayers would greatly be appreciated in that manner as well!
Allia, well I am holding in there, really hoping and praying that this difficult part of parenting passes, and that I can find some inner peace throughout all this. I do love being a mom, and everything that comes with it. And honestly, if asked...would you have another baby?...my answer would be a resounding Yes! (no I am not making any announcement...but someday, maybe!) I am working really really part time for my brother, doing wedding stuff! Its a lot of fun to get out every couple of weekends and use my creative brain on something other than playdough and painting pictures. I am really really trying hard to "bloom where I am planted" and through prayer and scripture study, and going to the temple...since we now have one 20 minutes in every direction from us...its coming along. I know the Lord has a plan for our family and for me personally. I do have a sense of peace that things are going to work out.
Alright, this has been a lengthy enough post...until next time!